

Thursday, September 16, 2010

go play

Pooh Bear and his friends played a bog role in my family in the very early years. My Oldest daughter Jess Marie, made a game that lasted for days on end. She was Pooh because she "just was". Sari was so tiny and became Piglet. Her dad was (nomatter as she called him), he was grouchy, and I was Tiger Mom. Because I was either real happy or real sad. Baby Em came along and she called her Roo since she was tiny too.
We had a curved tree in the forest of trees behind our home. I loved those day, my days of Christopher Robin.
Well as life goes things changed. Eeyore left us and the house went on the market. My Pooh was frantic about her Honey tree, nobody else could have that. Shockingly about a month before moved away, lightening hit the tree and down our tree went. It remained ours in some way.........But when that tree fell I knew my life was changing, my old life had crumbled and wondered where it would all go.......... Those babies are teens. I have more to say, but not today.
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